Thursday, November 28, 2019

My Profile

I Amanda Mthembu

Meaning of my name '' Amanda'' Amanda is a Latin name meaning'' deserving to be loved'',

I'm from KwaZulu-Natal in Durban which is one of the places that I love.

Things that I like to do is to watch sport on TV, since I'm a former footballer my self ,my favourite football team of all time is Barcelona it from Spain.
I also like traveling, one of my dreams is to travel around the world, last but no least I love drawing I started drawing while I was at primary school, but that time I didn't have full understanding of drawing I was just drawing for fun until I was at high school that where the interest of being a graphic designer came in because I understood drawing better and I saw that I have potential of being a graphic designer. so when they gave me a chance at NEMISA I was very much happy because I knew that I'm taking the first step towards my dream, what I tell myself every day is to work hard because this is my life.

What I want when I'm done studying is to become the professional designer and that will be life changing for me.

One of the Things that I have done here at NEMISA


This poster was for design fundamentals and it was the last assignment of the semester, for me it's my best work so far.

NEMISA LOGO                                                           


For computer graphics I had to design a logo for NEMISA  and I must admit that it was not my best work at all I believe that I could have done better than this, but I believe that there is still a room for improvement.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What makes a good designer

Image result for what makes a good designer
What makes a good designer, being a good designer it is not taking a paper and a pencil and start designing, to design it take just more than that to be a good designer you have to:

Great designers are curious and they observe,
take notice and make note of things that others

By listening we can learn of what really matters to
others rather than assuming we know what's best
for those we design for, good designers are able to
listen to others wants and make sure that a product
delivers what people want and willing to spend
their money on

designers have a desire to draw upon their observation
then improve design standards. A designer must desire
to improve what already exist or the evolution of design
cease.Desire drives action.
Image result for what makes a good designer
Context is what enables us to make sense of things.
context includes details that allow us to decide if
something is relevant.

Designers are responsible for finding solutions
all that observations and listening would be
wasted if it didn't lead to a solution.

Communication is vital without communication
solution would remain in the mind of a designer
and never have a chance to to make a positive
impact on the world.

Final thoughts 
Great designers have the understanding of the world
around us, they seek out solutions to real problems
and have a desire to make the world a better place.
Designer know how to share their ideas and make it real.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Time management

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter not harder so that you
get more done in less time even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress.

benefits of managing time effectively
greater productivity  and efficiency.
A better professional reputation.
Less stress
Increased opportunities for advancement
Greater opportunities to achieve your goals

Failing to manage your time effectively can leave some very undesirable consequences such like

Missed deadlines.
inefficient workflow.
Poor work quality.
High stress levels.
A poor professional reputation and a stalled career.

For me I have improved on managing my time because I have been able to meet deadlines.

Friday, November 22, 2019

My improvement, The journey continues.

I have just improve on using Adobe illustrator. the assignment that I had for Design Fundamentals
I had to design a poster using existing fonts.

I chose Myriad font, it an American font designed by Robert Slimbach and Carol Twombly and it was released in 1992.

If you design you have to use element  of design and they are:
I believe that I achieved that on my poster

On my poster I used circles to create a unique style and circles is one of the most used shape in design and I also used it to show continuity,because it round it never ending

Colors that I have used and explanation

Red: is an intense color that is packed with information ranging from passionate, intense love anger and violence. for me in this case it represent love, passion and power to dominate against other fonts.
Red is highly visible color that is able to focus attention quickly and get people to make quick decisions.

Black: Represent seriousness, professional and conventional. On my poster that why i used  black  to show seriousness and professionalism so people can be able to use the font in their professional document.

White: represent cleanliness, purity and safety. so I have used white to keep that cleanliness on my poster

Gray: I have used gray to show formal to show variations from black to gray

Monday, November 18, 2019

The animal in you

                                                    This is my cartoon animal
Penguin characteristics: witty, Meticulous, Intelligent, Dual-natured, Inscrutable, Self conscious
Scientific name: Aptenodytes patagonica
Collective term: A colony of Penguins

The animal in me its a Penguin

Now you see it, now you do not. Aggressive yet gently, outgoing but shy, stable yet flighty
The penguin only reveals the side that it wants you to see. So whether you like this or not, you have to concede that its a fascinating and enigmatic individual. Penguins are birds condemned to live out their days on the ground unable to fly their excess energy has no outlet save their creative talent and emotional outbursts.They are poetic, artistic and intellectually gifted and as writers Penguins have no equal but if unable to channel their impulses in a positive way the resulting turmoil proves damaging to their relationship and careers.

Never underestimate a penguin 
Penguins are deceptively intelligent and are particularly animated when intellectually challenged. They excel at word games and puzzles but are modest about their abilities and are generally underestimated by others.with their misunderstood personality, penguins find writing and ideal tool for expressing their true feelings.They have natural aptitude for languages and Penguin personalities dominate the world of publishing as writers, editors and Journalists.

Penguins personality's career 
A strong sense of drama draws penguins to the theater and cinema, although unlike typical bird personalities they avoid the spotlight unless they're able to hide behind the characters they play. Once on stage however, they prove to be excellent performers with their multifaceted personalities conveying the full gamut of emotions.

However, in many cases a lack of confidence affects their work. Penguins tend to give up on tasks they were otherwise capable of and are frequently disappointed with their performance. Still, work never dominates their lives and they always put their family first.
Careers and Hobbies
Waiter • Designer • Actor • Journalist • Herbalist • Writer 
Gambling • Board games • Reading • Family time

Love and Relationship
Since penguins have the coldest feet in the animal kingdom, it's no surprise that within its conflicted bosom there beats the warmest heart of all. Unfortunately, most of us will never experience this gentle compassion for the penguin rations it only to family and close friends.
Penguins mate for life and they make their commitments in black and white. Boredom is never an issue and it would never occur to them to look outside their marriage for stimulation. However, the flighty core of its bird personality struggles to maintain an even keel, challenging its partner's patience and endurance.
It takes a special person to flesh out the penguin's wonderful qualities and mammalian personalities like horses, moles and dogs simply do not have the tools to decipher its avian sensibilities. Neither is the penguin fully accepted by eagles, owls and roosters who look down their noses at their land-bound cousin.

True acceptance comes in the form of semi-aquatic mammals, and relationships with otters, walruses, and beavers are complete in many ways.
Best mates for a Penguin

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Multiple intelligence

I only knew few tings about intelligence before learning about it in class.
I only knew about :

Musical intelligence: ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre.
Bodily intelligence: ability to control ones body movements and to handle objects skilfully, each person possesses a certain control of his or her movements, balance and agility.
Naturalist intelligence: ability to recognise and categorise plant, animals and other objects in nature.

 From what I have learnt is that intelligence can help the individual about self motivation , empathy and relationship skills. it is of course important for good communication with others and is also a gate way to better learning, friendships, academic success and employment.

what I have learnt about my self is that there are things that I have to improve about my self, like to communicate more with other people so I can improve my communication skills and it will make my way of learning better.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Education in South Africa

I was doing digital literacy assignment and my topic was based on education in South Africa, but I was focusing more on secondary school level of education.By doing a research  what I have noticed is that  there is no equality of education in South Africa, because there are some of the student that are  still facing difficulties in a way that they do not have proper structure of classes some of them they do not even have classes,they don't have learning equipment, resources including technology and for me that should be a big worrying factor for education in South Africa. and that easily affect the matric pass rate and some student they drop out of school because of lack of resources and happens more in schools from the townships and rural schools than the schools from the city. the government I think should do more in a way that they should build proper schools in townships and in rural areas and also provide equipment for the student I think that will be better to improve education in South Africa.   

This is the picture of learners in the rural area  
and this is the picture of learners from the city

My Profile

I Amanda Mthembu Meaning of my name '' Amanda'' Amanda is a Latin name meaning'' deserving to be loved'...